Learn how to say red circle, green triangle, blue square, and pink heart. Lyrics and Free Song Download below the video!
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This is a red circle.
I’m a red circle
a red circle a red circle
This is a green triangle
I’m a green triangle
a green triangle, a green triangle
This is a blue square
I’m a blue square
a blue square, a blue square
This is a pink heart.
I’m a pink heart
a pink heart, a pink heart
red circle, green triangle, blue square, pink heart (x2)
Matt, yes, I want to be yellow, ok. abracadabra turn yellow! (the square)
This is a red circle.
I’m a red circle
a red circle a red circle
This is a green triangle
I’m a green triangle
a green triangle, a green triangle
This is a yellow square
I’m a yellow square
a yellow square, a yellow square
This is a pink heart.
I’m a pink heart
a pink heart, a pink heart
red circle, green triangle, yellow square, pink heart (x2)
We love singing this is really fun!
Great job!
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