Head, Shoulder, Knees, and Toes Song in Kids English Class

The Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes song is a basic song I use a lot when teaching children English (ESL, EFL). It is simple, active, and teaches useful vocabulary.

How to Teach

I start with the students by touching my head and saying, “head.” To add a little fun you can then shake your head with your hands and say, “wiggle, wiggle” kids love this. Repeat the same for all body parts: head, shoulders, knees, toes, eyes, ears, mouth, and nose.

If you know the song, sing it once a cappella (without background music) then press play on the CD or video and sing with your students!

Free Head, Shoulders MP3 Download

You can download a free MP3 of the Head, Shoulders song, and watch a video with the actions by clicking here. Make this song a regular in your classes!

Wheels On The Bus What Do You See Song? Learn English Vocabulary for Children

The new Wheels On The Bus What Do You See? Song is a fun way to teach vocabulary within the framework of a familiar song. In this song we learn five animals. More below the video:

The Wheels On The Bus

The Wheels on The Bus is a fun traditional song that many young learners of English might already know. I took the fun actions of this song, and added another verse to teach vocabulary. In this song we learn dog, cat, bird, horse, and cow.

Your students will have fun doing all of the actions of the song, and pretending to look through the window to see different animals.

Target Vocabulary

Animals: dog, cat, bird, horse, cow
Vehicle Vocabulary: bus, wheels, wipers, horn, doors, people
Action vocabulary: round and round, swish, beep, up and down, open and shut

Give the song a try!

Try this fun Wheels on The Bus What Do You See? Song in your classes, and watch how your young learners (ESL, EFL) learn vocabulary in a fun way.
Click here to watch the video on YouTube.