New Halloween Songs and Videos

It is time for Halloween again, it sure comes up fast every year. This year I’m excited about Halloween because I have some brand new songs. I’ve been testing these songs out in my classes and the students are already enjoying the songs. 

New Album: Good Morning Halloween by Dream English Kids

Now available on Spotify, Apple Music and Amazon music. Link here or search Dream English Kids.

Song List:

1. Good Morning Halloween

2. Counting on Halloween

3. Halloween Candy

4. Jumping on Halloween

5. Tip-Toe Halloween

6. Good Afternoon Halloween

7-12. Sing-Alongs! 

Below I will talk about some of the songs from the album.

Let’s watch the Good Morning Halloween Song video: 

I hope you enjoyed that. This song is a great warm-up song for your morning classes. To teach this I would teach the actions and the lyrics first. Then get play the song. The students will follow along quickly because it is an action song.

Jumping on Halloween. Let’s watch the video: 

Jumping on Halloween is an action song with some stops in it which young learners always enjoy.

The last song on the album is Good Afternoon Halloween: 

This is the same song as the Good Morning Halloween song, but it is for your afternoon classes. I am using this song as well and it is a great way to start the Halloween classes

I will be making videos for all of the songs on Good Morning Halloween throughout the month on the Dream English Kids YouTube channel. There are also sing-along tracks. All of the songs have a sing-along track you can use those if you want to try to have your students sing without my voice. Also, you can use the sing-along track as background music if you are doing activities or Halloween games.

Please check it out Good Morning Halloween on Spotify, Apple Music and Amazon. 

I hope you find the songs useful for your classes!

Author: Matt

The blog of Matt from Dream English with teaching tips and more